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One Gnome's Trash

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NeutralOne Gnome's Trash
Start Moxie Lockspinner
End Moxie Lockspinner
Level 10-60
Type Daily
Category Mechagon Island
Reputation +150 Rustbolt Resistance
Rewards  [Spare Parts]
 [Energy Cell]


Collect 100 rare metals using the rare metal collector.


The garbage in these trash heaps is full of rare metals: Dalaranium, Suramarite, even Gnomeisium!

I've not seen this much easy gold to be had, since they left the vault door open in Boralus! You help me collect some of the metal, and my friend Gao will sell it on the black market.

I've got a device that can tear the metal right out of the trash!


You will receive:

You will receive:
Inv mechagon spareparts.png [Spare Parts] Inv mechagnome powercell full.png [Energy Cell]


There's gold to be made!


This is going to sell quickly, here's your share of the profits to be!

Criteria of

Patch changes

External links