Once More Into The Fire

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AllianceOnce More Into The Fire
Start Cayden Dunwald
End Cayden Dunwald
Level 30-35
Category Twilight Highlands
Reputation +250 Wildhammer Clan
Rewards  [Blood-Soaked Ale Mug] or  [World-Queller Focus] or  [Tank-Commander Insignia]
Previous Cayden Dunwald
Next A [30-35] Home Again


Accompany Cayden Dunwald through the somewhat obvious ambush.

  • Accompany Cayden through Dunwald Market Row


Fine, fine. You want a piece of the action? You can join in.

Let me know when you're ready ta go.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv drink 30 blackheartgrog.png [Blood-Soaked Ale Mug] Inv misc gem pearl 06.png [World-Queller Focus]
Inv misc token argentdawn.png [Tank-Commander Insignia]

You will also receive: 18g


They keep comin an' I'll keep swinging!


A thing of beauty, isn't it? An' they keep comin' back for more. Love it!

I'll go find keely and settle her nerves in a bit. Just one more go through the row.


Talk to Cayden to start the ecsort.

Ya see that pass ahead dere, <lad/lass>?

Gossip Yeah...

That's an ambush.

Gossip You seem very certain.

Oh yeah, <lad/lass>! Been through 4 times already.

Gossip And I take it you're going again...

Damn right!

Gossip Well, let's get to it then.

That's the spirit!

After wave one:

That's all ya got?!

After wave two:

Cayden's got an axe with your name on it!

After wave three:

Come'n get it!


  1. A [30-35] Dunwalds Don't Die
  2. Complete all of:
  3. A [30-35] Home Again
  4. A [30-35] Doing It Like a Dunwald

Patch changes

External links