Nuuminuuru (quest)

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Start Dactylis
End Dactylis
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Path of Ascension
Experience 8,150
Rewards 25g 74s
Next N [60] A Fountain for Fae



You will receive:

  • 25g 74s
  • 8,150 XP


The tirnenn of Ardenweald are ancient, mysterious fae with many lessons to teach. While they prefer to avoid conflict and battle, they are powerful foes if crossed.

One tirnenn has offered themself as a teacher for your soulbinds. Along with their fleet of faeries, they have many nontraditional, yet crucial, lessons to teach you.


Though their request was quite nonstandard, I am sure this fountain will be exactly what they need.


  1. N [60] Nuuminuuru
  2. N [60] A Fountain for Fae
  3. N [60] Fanciful Distractions
  4. N [60] Caretaker of Faeries

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