Noth the Plaguebringer Must Die!

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NeutralNoth the Plaguebringer Must Die!
Start Archmage Lan'dalock
End Archmage Lan'dalock
Level 30 (Requires 30)
Type Weekly Raid
Category Naxxramas
Reputation +250 Kirin Tor
Rewards 29g 60s
Repeatable Yes


Kill Noth the Plaguebringer.

This quest can be completed with any difficulty or size raid.


Noth the Plaguebringer, traitor and coward! Second only to the Lich King himself for the number of souls that have been Scourged!

Make haste to Naxxramas. You will find him within the Plague Quarter hiding behind his undead minions.

Destroy him! The Council of Six has decreed that Noth must die!


You will receive:


That's one less thorn in our side. With Noth destroyed, Scourge research into refining the means of creating the undead will grind to a halt.

Patch changes

External links