Not On Our Watch

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NeutralNot On Our Watch
Start Hierophant Liandra[57.8, 55.0]
End Hierophant Liandra[57.8, 55.0]
Level 10-30
Category Borean Tundra
Experience 1,400
Reputation +250 Cenarion Expedition
Previous N [10-30] Happy as a Clam
Next N [10-30] The Nefarious Clam Master...


Hierophant Liandra at the Abandoned Reach in the Borean Tundra wants you to recover 12 Shipments of Animal Parts.


Strewn across this beach, amidst the flotsam and jetsam, are crates and sacks of animal parts. It would seem that Nesingwary is in cahoots with the Northsea Freebooters. Those dirty pirates are transporting the goods that Nesingwary's murderous lackeys gather offshore. No doubt they will end up in the homes and on the backs of wealthy, unscrupulous individuals across Azeroth.

This won't happen. Not on our watch. Bring me all shipments that you find upon this beach. They'll never have them!


You will receive:


We will give those animals a proper burial.


A job well done, <name>. Now we strike at the pirate leader!


  • Shipments are found in boxes and bags all along the beach. They can also be looted from Northsea Thugs.


  1. N [10-30] A Mission Statement
  2. Complete all of the following:
  3. N [10-30] The Assassination of Harold Lane

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