Warden Nork Bloodfrenzy

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HordeWarden Nork Bloodfrenzy
Image of Warden Nork Bloodfrenzy
Gender Male
Race Orc (Humanoid)
Level 10-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Warsong Offensive
Location Borean Tundra
Relative(s) Ug'thor Bloodfrenzy (son)

Warden Nork Bloodfrenzy is an orc and the father of Ug'thor Bloodfrenzy found outside of Warsong Hold in the Borean Tundra. While looking at the Alliance Deserters he asks his son if he knows what they are. Having never seen a human before Ug'thor asked if they were pigs and when informed by his father that they are cowards he asks if they are cowardly pigs. With a shake of his head Nork tells his son that they are soldiers of the Alliance, the Horde's sworn enemy.

Nork then tells his son that the deserters are afraid to die, a concept which confuses him. After stating his confusion he puffs out his chest, stands on his tip-toes, and declares Lok'tar ogar, popo! to his father. Nork then congratulates his son before informing the deserters that his son is willing to die for freedom.

Nork also sends Horde adventures to deliver the Deserters back to the Alliance.




The actions of these deserters shames us all. A shame so powerful that it must be witnessed to be understood. It is why Ug'thor is here... The boy must learn.

Conversation between Ug'thor and Nork
Warden Nork Bloodfrenzy says: Look at 'em, Ug. You know what those are?
Ug'thor Bloodfrenzy says: No, popo. They look kind of like the pigs. Are they pigs?
Warden Nork Bloodfrenzy says: Those...
Warden Nork Bloodfrenzy says: Those are cowards.
Ug'thor Bloodfrenzy says: Are they cowardly pigs, popo?
Warden Nork Bloodfrenzy shakes his head.
Warden Nork Bloodfrenzy says: No, blood of my blood, they are soldiers of the Alliance. Our sworn enemies.
Ug'thor Bloodfrenzy says: But popo, what are they afraid of? Why are they here?
Warden Nork Bloodfrenzy says: They are here because they do not wish to defend their homes... their families...
Warden Nork Bloodfrenzy says: They have given up and surrendered - willingly - to us.
Warden Nork Bloodfrenzy says: Ug'thor, they are afraid to die.
Ug'thor Bloodfrenzy scratches his head.
Ug'thor Bloodfrenzy says: I... I don't understand, popo.
Ug'thor Bloodfrenzy puffs out his chest and stands on his tip-toes.
Ug'thor Bloodfrenzy says: Lok'tar ogar, popo!
Warden Nork Bloodfrenzy laughs.
Warden Nork Bloodfrenzy says: That's right, Ug. Victory or death!
Warden Nork Bloodfrenzy says: [In Broken Common] Hear boy, cowards? Boy die! Boy die for freedom!

Patch changes

External links

es:Celador Nork Ansiasangre