Noggle's Last Hope

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NeutralNoggle's Last Hope
Start Beetix Ficklespragg
End Beetix Ficklespragg
Level 15-30
Category Silithus
Experience 8750
Reputation +500 Cenarion Circle
Rewards  [Major Healing Potion] x2 or
 [Major Mana Potion]
Previous N [15-30] Deadly Desert Venom
Next N [15-30] Noggle's Lost Satchel


Beetix Ficklespragg at Cenarion Hold in Silithus wants you to gather 3 Stonelash Pincer Stingers, 3 Stonelash Flayer Stingers and 3 Rock Stalker Fangs.


Blasted! The antidote didn't work. Noggle must've been stung by one of the stronger creatures in the far south.

I'm going to need you to go there and get me some more samples, <name>. The good news is that since their poison is stronger I won't require as many. The bad news is that there are more kinds of poisonous creatures crawling around the southern area so you'll have to draw from more sources.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv potion 54.png 2x [Major Healing Potion] Inv potion 76.png [Major Mana Potion]

You will also receive:


This is our last chance to save Noggle! Hurry!


Yes! It seems to be working, Noggle is coming to. We owe ya big time!


On Completion
Noggle suddenly gets up.
Noggle Ficklespragg says: Yes! I'm cured! I'm cure... whoa, got up too fast!
Noggle falls back onto the bench.


Patch changes

External links