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Image of Noah
Gender Male
Race Pandaren (Humanoid)
Level 5
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Gong of Hope, Jade Forest
Status Alive

Noah is a pandaren child located with Maximo at the Gong of Hope in the Jade Forest.


Noah says: You said you would ring the gong first.
Maximo says: Nuh uh! And besides, that's not a gong! It's a bell. I didn't say I would hit a bell.
Noah says: I dare you!
Maximo says: No way. That bell is bigger than my daddy's belly!
Noah says: I double dare you!
Maximo says: The Bellmaster is right over there. I heard he turns kids into bells!
Noah says: You heard that from your sister and she doesn't count. She's a big meanie. I double hozen dare you to ring the bell!
Maximo says: *gulp* Dou... dou... double hozen dare?
Noah says: Yep! You don't do this and I'll tell everyone in Dawn's Blossom you are a big chicken who likes wine instead of beer!
Maximo says: But my dad says I'm too little to drink.
Noah says: Yeah! And you'll get in trouble for that too! Now ring the bell you big baby.

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