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Image of Nizzik
Title <Venture Armor Salesman>
Gender Male
Race Goblin (Humanoid)
Level 24
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Venture Company
Location Unknown

Nizzik is a goblin armor vendor located on the far platform of the Cragpool Lake waterwheel in the Stonetalon Mountains. He was a freewheeling trader friendly to both Alliance and Horde.


Pointer repair on 32x32.png This vendor offers a repair service.

Inv belt 04.png (1)x [Dreamer's Belt]
41s 53c
Inv shoulder 05.png (1)x [Elite Shoulders]
1g 5s 50c
Inv shoulder 05.png (1)x [Glorious Shoulders]
86s 58c
Inv pants 07.png (1)x [Mystic Sarong]
1g 4s 97c
Inv belt 26.png (1)x [Nightwind Belt]
34s 20c
Inv belt 04.png [Polished Scale Belt]
29s 7c
Inv boots 01.png [Polished Scale Boots]
43s 97c
Inv bracer 03.png [Polished Scale Bracers]
29s 30c
Inv gauntlets 04.png [Polished Scale Gloves]
29s 41c
Inv pants 03.png [Polished Scale Leggings]
59s 6c
Inv chest chain 09.png [Polished Scale Vest]
59s 27c
Inv pants 06.png (1)x [Saber Leggings]
94s 74c
Inv pants 10.png (1)x [Stalking Pants]
78s 58c
Inv belt 29.png (1)x [Wizard's Belt]
37s 48c

Patch changes

External links
