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Nightcloak Fencer

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MobNightcloak Fencer
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Gender Male
Race Venthyr (Humanoid)
Level 58-60 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Revendreth
Status Killable

Nightcloak Fencers are venthyr located in Revendreth.


  • Ability deathknight deathscaress.png Alacrity — The lust for sin increases haste by 10% for 10 sec.
  • Ability warrior punishingblow.png Pierce — Pierces the target, inflicting 15 Physical damage.
  • Ability xavius tormentingswipe.png Sinblade — Slash wickedly in front of the caster, absorbing the sins of enemies hit, inflicitng Shadow damage.

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