Neutralizing the Plague (Horde)

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HordeNeutralizing the Plague
Start Koltira Deathweaver
End Koltira Deathweaver
Level 25-30
Type Daily Group (5)
Category Icecrown
Experience 33,100
Rewards 22g 20s
Previous H [25-30G5] Basic Chemistry
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [25-30G5 Daily] Neutralizing the Plague.


Koltira Deathweaver aboard Orgrim's Hammer wants you use Pustulant Spinal Fluid on a plague cauldron at Mord'rethar.

You can create Pustulant Spinal Fluid by using a Giant Spine collected from a Pustulant Horror.

  • Plague Cauldron Neutralized

Suggested Players [5]


You no longer need my assistance in neutralizing the enemy's plague cauldrons, <race>.

Hunt down the flesh giants at the death gate and use the fluid from their spines to render batches of the plague ineffective.

You are striking at the heart of the enemy's strategy. This is an important mission - vital to our cause, and should be carried out whenever time permits.

Remember, the giants and the plague cauldrons can be found on Mord'rethar.


You will receive:

  • 22g 20s
  • 33,100 XP


Greetings, <class>.

Can I report that we've rendered another plague cauldron useless?


One less plague cauldron to account for when the battle commences.

Your commander will be pleased.


  • This quest requires at least three players in Wrath Classic, as the  [Pustulant Spinal Fluid] has a cooldown of 1 minute 30 seconds, and the cauldron needs to be channeled on more quickly than that.
    • This is not the case in retail, where the Spinal Fluid's cooldown is 30 seconds.


  1. H [25-30] Takes One to Know One
  2. H [25-30] Poke and Prod
  3. H [25-30G3] Against the Giants
  4. H [25-30G5] Basic Chemistry

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