Nathrezim Arcanist

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MobNathrezim Arcanist
Image of Nathrezim Arcanist
Title <Army of the Endless>
Gender Male
Race Nathrezim (Demon)
Level 61 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Mawsworn
Occupation Arcanist
Location Endless Sands, Zereth Mortis
An Arcanist and a group of Mawsworn Strikers.

Nathrezim Arcanists are nathrezim located throughout the Endless Sands in Zereth Mortis. Several of them can be seen hovering in front of units of Mawsworn Strikers.


  • Spell shadow carrionswarm.png Carrion Swarm — Inflicts 60 Shadow damage to enemies in front of the Dreadlord and reduces healing received by 75% for 16 sec.
  • Spell shadow lifedrain02.png Drain Life — Drains health from nearby enemies over 6 sec., transferring it to the caster.
  • Inv enchant voidsphere.png Shadow Bolt — Hurls a bolt of dark magic at an enemy, inflicting Shadow damage.


If the player tries to use the "Domination" ability on an Arcanist during N [60] Oppress and Destroy, they will become Agitated:

Spell animamaw debuff.png Agitated — Affected by the Broken Helm of Domination, increasing damage taken by 300% and increasing damage done by 10%.

And say the following:

You dare use THAT against us?

This reaction is different from that of all the other Mawsworn in the area and reflects the nathrezim's history with the Helm of Domination.

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