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Image of Natasha
Gender Female
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 4
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Evergrove, Blade's Edge Mountains
Status Alive

Natasha is a human located at Evergrove in the Blade's Edge Mountains. She follows Wildlord Antelarion around the town.


  • I think I came from Eng-land, do you know where that is?
  • Have you seen my mommy and daddy?
  • I'm only 4 years old.
  • Antelarion, is it safe to play in the forest yet?
  • Antelarion says I fell off a big bird, as I fell he caught me... He is so pretty!


  • The quotes are a reference to Bill Cosby's stand-up comedy show "Himself" where he has a skit about a kid following people around on a plane (that's what the "fell from a bird", probably plane, is from) telling everyone that he's 4 years old.

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