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Image of Napp'agosh
Gender Male
Race Orc (Humanoid)
Level 20-40 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Iron Horde
Location Unknown, last seen in Shattrath City, Talador
Status Unknown

Napp'agosh is an orc found in the Sha'tari Market District after the Battle for Shattrath's conclusion, he is seen unconscious by one of the Iron Horde's cannonball pods with Goh'kuu kneeling by his side. It is unknown what becomes of both him and Goh'kuu after Socrethar leads the Shadow Council takeover of Shattrath City.


Napp'agosh, his presumed pod and Goh'kuu in Shattrath City after the Iron Horde is expelled.
  • Napp'agosh is a reference to the character Nappa, a Saiyan of the Dragon Ball series, aside from his name, baldness and the fact he is only wearing wrist armor, boots and small shorts just like the character in his final fight with Goku, his mana level used to be 4,000 before the squish, his energy units calculated in the series.
  • The pod-shaped weapon that presumably transported him is likely a reference to the Saiyan pod ships.

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