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Gender Male
Race Stoneborn (Humanoid)
Level 58-60 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Alliance Horde
Location Revendreth

Myskia is a massive stoneborn goliath located in Revendreth. Since he typically appears alongside the Stone Legion Generals, General Kaal and General Grashaal, he is likely a high-ranking stoneborn. Myskia initially appears during N [58-60] The Master Awaits when Kaal asks him to fly the Maw Walker to the Grand Palisade. Once The Accuser is captured, Denathrius entrusts Myskia with transporting her cage to The Fearstalker for humbling. Finally, once the player joins Prince Renathal's rebellion, Myskia is battled and killed during N [60] The Master of Lies.


  • Ability druid ravage.png Massive Claw — Strikes the enemy with a massive claw, inflicting Physical damage.
  • Inv misc dust.png Stone Breath — Lets out a massive blast of earth and dust, inflicting Physical to all enemies in a cone in front of the caster and reducing their movement speed by 125% for 5 sec.
  • Inv shoulder 03.png Stoneskin — Causes an enemy to take 35% increased Nature damage for 15 sec.

Objective of


On click
  • Need something destroyed?
  • Mortal?
  • My honor for Revendreth.
  • What news do you herald?
  • Maw Walker...
  • Stonewright's blessing, mortal.
  • Know that your continued behavior has nothing new or original, AND YOU SHOULD FEEL BAD ABOUT YOURSELF FOR TRYING!
  • I was carved ages before your kind learned to speak!
  • When you die, make sure it is on your feet that it is with a weapon in hand, a smile on your face, and among the corpses of your enemies!
Main article: The Accuser's Fate#Notes

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