Mulverick's Plight

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HordeMulverick's Plight

Turgall's Den in the Sootstained Mines
Start Mulverick [30.8, 41.5]
End Mulverick [30.8, 41.5]
Level 10-40
Category Frostfire Ridge
Experience 13830
Reputation +250 Frostwolf Orcs
Rewards Item level 514 cloaks
Previous H [10-40] Slavery and Strife
Next H [10-40] The Slavemaster's Demise, H [10-40] Mulverick's Offer of Service


Get the key from Slavemaster Turgall and find Mulverick's Axes.


You were sent here to free me? It seems that makes us allies.

Slavemaster Turgall within the Soostained Mines[sic] will certainly have the key to this cage.

While you're in there, do you think you could see which of those spineless taskmasters took my axes?


You will receive one of:

Item level 514 cloaks
Inv cape draenorquest90 b 01 cloth.png [Wolfsfur Drape] Inv cape draenorquest90 b 04 plate.png [Wolfsfur Greatcloak]
Inv cape draenorquest90 b 03 mail.png [Wolfsfur Cloak]

You will also receive:


These ogres will be seeing the other side of my axes soon.


You have my sincere gratitude, <name>.


Enter the Sootstained Mines and quickly move clockwise around the cave to Turgall's Den in the back. Find and kill Slavemaster Turgall:

Slavemaster Turgall says: You've made your final mistake, foreigner. Feel the power of lava as your bones melt!
Slavemaster Turgall says: Aid me, essence of lava!
Turgall stuns the player and summons a Slag Elemental.
Finish off Turgal
Slavemaster Turgall says: My body becomes one with the volcanoes.

Once Turgall is dead, get out of the mine and back to Mulverick. Interact with the cage to release him.

Mulverick says: Thank you. I don't know if I would have survived without your help.
Mulverick says: Turgall was a cruel master. He tortured his slaves and let us starve to death!
Mulverick says: Your deds have shown you to be a fine commander. The sort of commander I would be honored to fight alongside.


  1. H [10-40] Moving In
  2. H [10-40] Save Wolf Home & H [10-40] Free Our Brothers and Sisters
  3. H [10-40] The Farseer
  4. H [10-40] Pool of Visions
  5. H [10-40] Back to Bladespire Citadel

After completing "Moving In", two optional side quests and a wanted poster open up:

After completing "Pool of Visions", two optional side quests open up:

Patch changes

  • Warlords of Draenor Hotfix (2014-11-15): Increased the drop rate for Mulverick's Axe.
  • Warlords of Draenor Patch 6.0.2 (2014-10-14): Added.

External links