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Mossy Earthen

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NeutralMossy Earthen
Start Batzvara
End Batzvara
Level 73-75
Category The Ringing Deeps
Experience 10,850
Rewards 17g 55s
Shareable Yes
Previous N [73-75] A Perfect Sponge, N [73-75] Buckets and Blooms
Next N [73-75] Tending to Ausgazur
A Mossy Inert Earthen


Tend to 4 mossy earthen.


Excellent work gathering everything together. I've mixed the solvent for you.

Now all that's left is to gently clean off our mossy friends down there.


You will receive:

  • 17g 55s
  • 10,850 XP


Let's get these folks cleaned up.


That's much better! Earthen should be firm stone not soft fuzz.


On accept:

Batzvara says: I'll wait here, but don't take too long. Don't want to start growing moss myself!

Interact with the earthen by Batzvara, and she says nothing, so approach to another:

Speaker Brinthe says: [sic] Earthen usually know when they're shutting down. These friends made a pact to strike a final pose together. Thank you for honoring them.


  1. N [73-75] The Caretaker of Brunwin's Terrace
  2. N [73-75] Shimmermist Falls
  3. N [73-75] A Perfect Sponge & N [73-75] Buckets and Blooms
  4. N [73-75] Mossy Earthen
  5. N [73-75] Tending to Ausgazur
  6. N [73-75] Too Much Drip
  7. N [73-75] Seeking Ausgazur's Gems & N [73-75] Glintwick the Gem Grabber

Patch changes

External links