More Arakkoa Feathers

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HordeMore Arakkoa Feathers
Start Malukaz
End Malukaz
Level 65 (Requires 62)
Category Terokkar Forest
Rewards  [Arakkoa Hunter's Supplies]
Previous H [65] Alien Spirits


Bring 30 Arakkoa Feathers to Malukaz at Stonebreaker Hold.


I've had some success drawing the arakkoa spirits closer to me, but they are still very shy. Perhaps if I improve my disguise, they will be more willing to approach me in the trance.

To do that, though, I'll need more feathers like the ones you've already brought me. If you get any more of the feathers, I'd be very happy to take them off your hands.


You will receive:
Inv misc bag 10 blue.png [Arakkoa Hunter's Supplies]

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