Alien Spirits

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HordeAlien Spirits
Start Malukaz
End Malukaz
Level 65 (Requires 62)
Category Terokkar Forest
Experience 10,130
Rewards  [Arakkoa Hunter's Supplies]
3g 30s
Next H [65] More Arakkoa Feathers


Bring 30 Arakkoa Feathers to Malukaz at Stonebreaker Hold.


When I first came to Outland, and opened my ears to the voices of its spirits, I was amazed at what I heard. In time, I also came to notice which spirits I couldn't hear.

For all my attempts, I have never been able to make contact with the spirit of an arakkoa ancestor. Their magic is fundamentally different from ours, but I'm not convinced that their spirits are beyond my reach.

Bring me feathers from many arakkoa; perhaps having some token from them will provide the link I need.


You will receive: 3g 30s

Inv misc bag 10 blue.png [Arakkoa Hunter's Supplies]


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