Mission: Kill the Messenger (Alliance)

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AllianceMission: Kill the Messenger
Start Forward Commander Kingston
End Forward Commander Kingston
Level 62 (Requires 62)
Type Group
Category Hellfire Peninsula
Experience 12,150
Reputation +350 Honor Hold
Next A [62G] Mission: Be the Messenger
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [62G] Mission: Kill the Messenger.


Forward Commander Kingston at Expedition Point in Hellfire Peninsula has asked that you find and slay Arix'malidash and recover the Legion Missive.


Your handiwork is already causing the Legion great discomfort, <name>. My scouts have just informed me that the Legion has resorted to sending communication via courier. We have successfully managed to cut their troops off from the host!

What I ask of you next is more than I would ask of an ordinary soldier.

The Legion courier travels from the Pools of Aggonar to Forge Base: Mageddon, far north of here. You must intercept the courier at Mageddon, dispose of him, and return to me with the Legion missive.



  1. A [62G] Mission: Kill the Messenger
  2. A [62G] Mission: Be the Messenger
  3. A [63G] Mission: End All, Be All

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