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Mirewood the Trampler

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MobMirewood the Trampler
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Race Ancient (Elemental)
Level 12-52 Rare Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Island Expeditions
Status Killable

Mirewood the Trampler is an ancient located in the Verdant Wilds during Island Expeditions.


  • Inv misc herb deadnettle bramble.png Bramble Ball — Throws a tightly-knit ball of thorns and leaves at the target's location, inflicting Nature damage instantly and additional Nature damage every 1 sec to all enemies at the impact point.
  • Inv misc dust.png Earthen Breath — Releases a breath of dust and soil, inflicting Nature damage to all enemies in a cone in front of the caster
  • Spell druid sunfall.png Photosynthesis — Healing every 1 sec.
  • Spell nature earthquake.png Stomp — Stomps the ground hard, inflicting Physical damage to all nearby enemies.

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