Minions of the Shadow Council (Alliance)

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AllianceMinions of the Shadow Council
Start Stormer Ewan Wildwing
End Stormer Ewan Wildwing
Level 25-30
Category Shadowmoon Valley
Experience 12300 (7g 38s at level 70)
Rewards 4s 10c
Previous A [25-30] The Deathforge
Next A [25-30] The Summoning Chamber & A [25-30] The Fate of Flanis
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [25-30] Minions of the Shadow Council.


Stormer Ewan Wildwing at the Deathforge Tower wants you to kill 10 Deathforge Guardians and 5 Deathforge Summoners.


<Ewan listens to you recount the events at Legion Hold, nodding.>

That puts our observations into perspective. We've caught glimpses of them launching infernals in the direction of the hold, but haven't been able to find much more than that.

The Shadow Council has the Deathforge sealed tighter than a new keg o' thunderbrew. The first thing you'll need to do is crack some skulls so you can get in there and poke around. Start eliminating the Shadow Council guarding the entrance to the Deathforge!


You will receive:

  • 4g 10s
  • 12300 XP (or 7g 38s at level 70)


Have you cleared a way into the Deathforge yet?


I wish I could've been out there with you! I've been itching to put my hammer to use, but my mission is to observe, not to kill.

Now that you've punched a hole in their defenses, let's get to work on shutting down production in the Deathforge.


  1. A [25-30] Visions of Destruction or H [25-30] Kroghan's Report
  2. B [25-30] Besieged!
  3. B [25-30] To Legion Hold
  4. B [25-30] Setting Up the Bomb
  5. B [25-30] Blast the Infernals!
  6. B [25-30] The Deathforge
  7. B [25-30] Minions of the Shadow Council
  8. Complete both:
  9. B [25-30] Bring Down the Warbringer!
  10. B [25-30] Gaining Access
  11. B [25-30] Invasion Point: Cataclysm
  12. B [25-30] The Art of Fel Reaver Maintenance
  13. B [25-30] The Fel and the Furious
  14. B [25-30] News of Victory

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