Mighty Troll's Blood Elixir

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  • Mighty Troll's Blood Elixir
  • Use: Regenerate 20 health every 5 sec for 1 hour. Guardian Elixir.
  • Requires Level 22
  • Sell Price: 10s
INV Potion 168.png This consumable is classified in-game as a Guardian Elixir and will not stack with other Guardian Elixirs or Flasks.

Mighty Troll's Blood Elixir is an elixir that periodically restores health for an hour.


This elixir is made with Alchemy (290); taught by once by  [Recipe: Mighty Troll's Blood Elixir].

Materials required:
Inv misc herb 16.png 1x [Gromsblood] Inv misc herb plaguebloom.png 2x [Sorrowmoss]
Inv alchemy leadedvial.png 1x [Crystal Vial]

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