Michael Skarn

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NeutralMichael Skarn
Image of Michael Skarn
Title <Master Pet Trainer>
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 20-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Barbthorn Ridge, Drustvar
Status Alive
Companion(s) Bumble B., Fris B., Busy B.

Michael Skarn is a human located in Barbthorn Ridge in Drustvar.

Objective of


Fight begins
Just remember as we start this battle, you asked for this.
Enemy pet defeated
  • Every time I train up new bees, it's always the same thing. They get big and strong and seemingly unbeatable, and then they sting something and die.
  • Not my bees! No!
Player pet defeated
  • Score one for the bees!
  • Bees are clearly superior. This proves it.

Some days I think I can make buzzing noises with my mouth and actually communicate with my bees, but it's probably not going to work untill[sic] I finish my full size bee costume. That's besides the point, my bees are the best around, want to fight them, or are you going to buzz off?

Gossip Bein[sic] Pet Battle.

Patch changes

External links