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Michael Bedernik

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AllianceMichael Bedernik
Image of Michael Bedernik
Title <Meats>
Gender Male
Race Worgen (Humanoid)
Level 90
Affiliation(s) Gilneas
Location Shrine of Seven Stars
Status Alive

Michael Bedernik is a worgen found in the Shrine of Seven Stars. He can be seen either in his human form or in the worgen form.

Sitting at a table with Wilhem Ken, who he frequently gets into an argument with.

Michael Bedernik says: Why is your wife still using the oven? My meat needs cooking!
Wilheim Ken says: I guess you could say she has a bun in the oven!
Wilheim laughs.
Michael Bedernik growls.
Jojo walks over.
Jojo says: Stop it, both of you!


Inv misc food vendor boiledsilkwormpupa.png [Boiled Silkworm Pupa]
2g 40s
Inv misc skeweredpeanutchicken.png [Skewered Peanut Chicken]
2g 60s

Patch changes

External links

Shrine of Seven Stars Vale of Eternal Twilight