Message for Saurfang

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HordeMessage for Saurfang
Start Darkspear Loyalist
End High Overlord Saurfang
Level 1-20
Category Orgrimmar
Race IconSmall Goblin Male.gifIconSmall Goblin Female.gif Goblin
Experience 185
Reputation +350 Bilgewater Cartel
+350 Orgrimmar

 [Staff of Dubious Pacts]
or  [Harness of Forward Directions]
or  [Chestguard of Forward Directions]
or  [Girdle of Common Causes]

& [Pack Hobgoblin]
Previous H IconSmall Goblin Male.gifIconSmall Goblin Female.gif [1-20] Warchief's Emissary
Next H IconSmall Goblin Male.gifIconSmall Goblin Female.gif [5-30] Report to the Labor Captain, H [5-30] Warchief's Command: Azshara!


Deliver the SI:7 Emblem to High Overlord Saurfang at Grommash Hold in Orgrimmar.


<The Darkspear loyalist opens the package and reads the letter within. As she finishes the note from Thrall, a hint of a fanged smile appears on her face.>

Ya should take dis directly to Saurfang inside Orgrimmar. Be sure ta let him know dat de package be from Thrall.

Take me raptor. Hurry, little one, dere be no time ta waste!


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv staff 21.png [Staff of Dubious Pacts] Inv chest leather 07.png [Harness of Forward Directions]
Inv chest leather 07.png [Chestguard of Forward Directions] Inv belt 45c.png [Girdle of Common Causes]

You will also learn: [Pack Hobgoblin]

You will also receive:


What is this, <race>? Your kind are not allowed inside Grommash Hold.

Leave before I have to teach you your place.


This is from Thrall?

<Saurfang rubs his chin in thought.>

I understand the meaning of this clearly.

There are other goblins that are working in Azshara that you could visit and get your bearings. <Saurfang points to Gobber.> We found this one wandering the city and he seems to recognize you. He might want to go with you.

From this day on, you and the Bilgewater Cartel are one with the Horde!


  1. H IconSmall Goblin Male.gifIconSmall Goblin Female.gif [1-20] Repel the Paratroopers / H IconSmall Goblin Male.gifIconSmall Goblin Female.gif [1-20] The Heads of the SI:7 / H IconSmall Goblin Male.gifIconSmall Goblin Female.gif [1-20] Mine Disposal, the Goblin Way
  2. H IconSmall Goblin Male.gifIconSmall Goblin Female.gif [1-20] The Pride of Kezan
  3. H IconSmall Goblin Male.gifIconSmall Goblin Female.gif [1-20] The Warchief Wants You
  4. H IconSmall Goblin Male.gifIconSmall Goblin Female.gif [1-20] Borrow Bastia
  5. H IconSmall Goblin Male.gifIconSmall Goblin Female.gif [1-20] Let's Ride
  6. H IconSmall Goblin Male.gifIconSmall Goblin Female.gif [1-20] The Gallywix Labor Mine
  7. H IconSmall Goblin Male.gifIconSmall Goblin Female.gif [1-20] Kaja'Cola Gives you IDEAS! (TM)
  8. H IconSmall Goblin Male.gifIconSmall Goblin Female.gif [1-20] Morale Boost / H IconSmall Goblin Male.gifIconSmall Goblin Female.gif [1-20] Throw It On the Ground!
  9. H IconSmall Goblin Male.gifIconSmall Goblin Female.gif [1-20] Light at the End of the Tunnel
  10. H IconSmall Goblin Male.gifIconSmall Goblin Female.gif [1-20] Wild Mine Cart Ride
  11. H IconSmall Goblin Male.gifIconSmall Goblin Female.gif [1-20] Shredder Shutdown / H IconSmall Goblin Male.gifIconSmall Goblin Female.gif [1-20] The Ultimate Footbomb Uniform
  12. KTC Oil Rig
  13. H IconSmall Goblin Male.gifIconSmall Goblin Female.gif [1-20] The Slave Pits
  14. H IconSmall Goblin Male.gifIconSmall Goblin Female.gif [1-20] Final Confrontation
  15. H IconSmall Goblin Male.gifIconSmall Goblin Female.gif [1-20] Victory!
  16. H IconSmall Goblin Male.gifIconSmall Goblin Female.gif [1-20] Warchief's Emissary
  17. H IconSmall Goblin Male.gifIconSmall Goblin Female.gif [1-20] Message for Saurfang
  18. H IconSmall Goblin Male.gifIconSmall Goblin Female.gif [5-30] Report to the Labor Captain

Previous versions

  • Description:

<The Darkspear loyalist opens the package and reads the letter within. As she finishes the note from Thrall, a hint of a fanged smile appears on her face.>

Ya should take dis directly to da Warchief inside Orgrimmar. Be sure ta let Vol'jin know dat de package be from Thrall.

Take me raptor. Hurry, little one, dere be no time ta waste!

  • Progression:

What be dis, goblin? Ya don't look like ya be from 'round here.

  • Completion:

This be from Thrall?

<The Warchief rubs his chin in thought.>

I be understandin' the meaning of dis clearly.

There are other goblins that be workin' in Azshara that ya could visit an get ya bearings. <Vol'jin points to Gobber.> We found 'em wandering the city and he seems to recognize ya. He might be wantin' ta go wid ye too.

From this day on, you and da Bilgewater Cartel be one wid da Horde!

  • Description:

<The Kor'kron loyalist opens the package, palming one object while reading a letter from within. As he finishes the note from Thrall, the barest hint of a fanged smile appears on his face.>

You are to take this directly to Warchief Hellscream inside Orgrimmar. Make certain that Garrosh knows that it is from Thrall.

Take my battleworg. Hurry, little goblin, there is no time to waste for this message!

  • Progression:

What is this, goblin? Your kind are not allowed inside Grommash Hold.

Leave before I have to teach you your place.

  • Completion:

Thrall had you deliver this?

<The Warchief takes a step back, visibly shaken and pale.>

I understand the meaning of this all too well, goblin.

This smelly hobgoblin was caught unattended in the city and seems to recognize you. I have already put others of your kind to work in Azshara. Take it with you when you leave.

From this day forward, you and your Bilgewater Cartel will serve the Horde!


Patch changes

  • Legion Patch 7.0.3 (2016-07-19): Quest ender changed, text updated and name changed to Message for Saurfang.
  • Warlords of Draenor Patch 6.0.2 (2014-10-14): Quest giver and ender changed, text updated and name changed to Message for Vol'jin.
  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Added as Message for Garrosh.

External links