Memories of Azeroth

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Memories of Azeroth
Location Caverns of Time
Instance info
Type Raid
Level ?? - 120
Player limit 25
Key None
Warcraft's Anniversary
The subject of this article or section was exclusively part of WoW's 15th Anniversary. It was not carried over into future events and is no longer available.

The Memories of Azeroth are a set of miniature raid wings that celebrate raids from expansions past. They are accessed by talking to Chromie in the Caverns of Time during the 15th Anniversary event. Each wing contains three encounters that must be defeated in a row; lose a fight and it's back to the start. The encounters consist of brief moments against iconic adversaries defeated by adventurers over the years. Besting a wing will grant access to a Gift of the Bronze Dragonflight, which contains timewarped loot based on the loot tables of the bosses in the wing.

Completing all three wings will grant  [Memories of Fel, Frost and Fire].


Each encounter features only a portion of its original fight. Generally, the encounters start with the boss at partial health, and the group generally needs to deplete their health to a certain percentage.

Memories of Azeroth: The Burning Crusade

Boss Phase Start health End health
Lady Vashj 3 50% 25%
Kael'thas Sunstrider 5 50% 30%
Archimonde 1 55% 30%

Memories of Azeroth: Wrath of the Lich King

Boss Phase Start health End health
Heigan the Unclean All 65% 35%
Anub'arak 1, 2 72% 50%
The Lich King 2, 2.5, 3 55% 30%

Memories of Azeroth: Cataclysm

Boss Phase Start health End health
Cho'gall All 35% 10%
Nefarian 2 73% -
Ragnaros 2, 2.5, 3 55% 35%
  • Nefarian's encounter ends when the Chromatic Prototypes are killed and phase 3 would normally begin.


Entering Memories of Azeroth: The Burning Crusade
Chromie says: I'm so glad you could join us today!
Chromie says: Come closer! Our journey through time is just about to begin.
Chromie's gossip

Hi there! I'm so excited you're here to join us for a stroll down memory lane.

Care to tell me which memories are your favorites?

Gossip Lady Vashj!

Gossip Kael'thas!

Gossip Archimonde!

Starting the encounter
Chromie says: Deep within Serpentshrine Cavern, Lady Vashj and her Coilfang minions planned to steal all of Outland's water.
Chromie says: But brave heroes like you weren't about to let that happen!
Defeating Lady Vashj
Chromie says: Well that was certainly a toxic environment!
Chromie says: In the crystalline halls of Tempest Keep, Azeroth's heroes confronted Kael'thas Sunstrider, Lord of the Blood Elves...
Chromie says: ...and also his four advisors. And his seven legendary weapons. And--you know, let's just get to the fight.
Defeating Kael'thas
Chromie says: If I remember correctly, he suffered quite a setback after that.
Chromie says: Heroes like you ascended Mount Hyjal to defend Nordrassil against the Burning Legion...
Chromie says: ...for doom had come to this world!
Defeating Archimonde
Chromie says: Some demons just want to see the World Tree burn.
Chromie says: Oh, I just love strolling down the timeways. Thank you for all of the memories!

Entering Memories of Azeroth: Wrath of the Lich King
Chromie says: I'm so glad you could join us today!
Chromie says: Come closer! Our journey through time is just about to begin.
Chromie's gossip

Hi there! I'm so excited you're here to join us for a stroll down memory lane.

Care to tell me which memories are your favorites?

Gossip Heigan!

Gossip Anub'arak!

Gossip Lich King!

Starting the encounter
Chromie says: Clever and devious, Heigan the Unclean set up the halls of Naxxramas to poison unprepared adventurers.
Chromie says: But dirty tricks like that wouldn't work on you, would they? You always did know how to watch your step!
Defeating Heigan
Chromie says: I just love a good dance, don't you?
Chromie says: The Argent Crusade once held a grand tournament to find Azeroth's greatest heroes, but Anub'arak arrived uninvited!
Chromie says: Turns out the crusaders built the coliseum on top of a buried nerubian kingdom. That could only lead to eternal agony!
Defeating Anub'arak
Chromie says: I don't usually speak ill of the dead, but that guy really bugged me!
Chromie says: Amidst Northrend's frozen wastes, the champions of the Argent Tournament laid siege to Icecrown Citadel.
Chromie says: After vanquishing countless minions of the dead, our heroes stood ready to face the wrath of the Lich King.
Defeating the Lich King
Chromie says: Bolvar said not to tell anyone what happened up there, but I think we can make an exception just this once.
Chromie says: Oh, I just love strolling down the timeways. Thank you for all of the memories!

Entering Memories of Azeroth: Cataclysm
Chromie says: I'm so glad you could join us today!
Chromie says: Come closer! Our journey through time is just about to begin.
Chromie's gossip

Hi there! I'm so excited you're here to join us for a stroll down memory lane.

Care to tell me which memories are your favorites?

Gossip Nefarian!

Gossip Cho'gall!

Gossip Ragnaros!

Starting the encounter
Chromie says: From within the sinister Bastion of Twilight, Cho'gall commanded his servants to usher the Old Gods into our world.
Chromie says: Thankfully, heroes like you took up arms and fought the maniacal cult leader face to face... to face!
Defeating Cho'gall
Chromie says: Two heads aren't always better than one.
Chromie says: Nefarian, son of Deathwing, was raised from death by twilight cultists in the heart of Blackrock Mountain.
Chromie says: Intrepid heroes such as you braved the black dragon's sanctum to put an end to his schemes once and for all.
Defeating Nefarian
Chromie says: Oh no, we left before we could loot his head! Sorry about that!
Chromie says: Though thwarted by mortals once before, Ragnaros returned to Azeroth and sought to consume it in flame.
Chromie says: It was up to heroes like you to venture into the Firelands and permanently snuff him out.
Defeating Ragnaros
Chromie says: I guess Ragnaros came back to our world a little too soon.
Chromie says: Oh, I just love strolling down the timeways. Thank you for all of the memories!
Failing an encounter at any point
Chromie says: Wait, that's not how it happened. Let's start over.
Chromie says: Which memory were we revisiting, again?


  • A fourth wing was seemingly planned but never implemented. A section of Blackrock Mountain, Sunwell Plateau and Temple of Ahn'Qiraj appears on the map, but are not accessed.
  • When initiating the event, Chromie will allow for adventurers to suggest which boss would be fought first. However, the choices do nothing, and the encounters will always be fought in the same order.
    • The real purpose of "choosing" is to begin the first encounter; once three players have picked a dialogue option, Chromie will send the group into battle.

Patch changes

External links