Memorial Offerings

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Memorial Offerings

A Memorial Offerings chest is located at Grace of the Remembered in Bastion.[56.5, 17.2] It sits at the foot of a winged kyrian statue under a waterfall.

Nearby, two Honor Stewards are preparing to have a picnic. A Drink Tray can be seen next to them. One of the stewards gives a hint when spoken to:

Kobri went to get wine. Kobri taking a long time. We not start without wine!
Find Kobri, yes?

Kobri is a steward located at Hero's Rest. Find Kobri and purchase a bottle of  [Memorial Wine], then return to the Honored Stewards and place the wine in the Drink Tray.

Honored Steward says: Thank you! Here, you take this.

You will receive the  [Memorial Offering Key], allowing you to open the Memorial Offerings.


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