Meet and Greet

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WoW's Anniversary
The subject of this article or section is exclusively part of WoW's 20th Anniversary. It has since been removed and is no longer available.
NeutralMeet and Greet
Start Yllana [62.9, 50.7]
End Yllana [62.9, 50.7]
Level 10-80
Category Seasonal
Experience 180
Rewards 3x [Bronze Celebration Token]
Shareable Yes
Previous N [10-80] Another Timely Invitation
Next N [10-80] Shopping Squee!


Talk to the activity greeters.


Greetings, salutations, and happy anniversary!

I am Yllana, the conductor of this symphony of celebration. I trust you are itching for fun and entertainment? Well do not fret, for there is much to do and plenty of time to do it.

I've marked your map with the locations of my gleeful greeters who will tell you all about the activities in store for you.

Once you've talked to them, return to me for a gift that will maximize your merriment. After all, what's a celebration without presents?


You will receive:


It's easy to get distracted. Have you spoken with the activity greeters I told you about?


I trust you found that we offer something of interest to you while you celebrate with us.

As promised, here is your gift.

<Yllana hands you a small festive bag with a notable heft to its contents. Whatever is inside feels expensive.>


  1. N [10-80] Another Timely Invitation
  2. N [10-80] Meet and Greet
  3. N [10-80] Shopping Squee!

Patch changes

External links