First Aid
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The subject of this article was removed in patch 8.0.1 but remains in World of Warcraft: Classic.
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Quests • Recipes • Trainers |
First Aid is a Classic secondary profession which enables a player to heal players and to remove poisons, notably through a variety of bandages. Bandages can be made from cloths, with higher quality cloth producing more effective bandages. Bandages can only be applied to a same character once every 60 seconds, until the [Recently Bandaged] debuff disappears. First Aid practitioners can also make anti-venom consumables from venom sacs dropped by various poisonous monsters (e.g., scorpids and spiders), though they are not as powerful as those created by Alchemists.
In Battle for Azeroth, First Aid was removed on Retail realms. Making bandages became part of the Tailoring profession, and liquids as part of the Alchemy profession, with individual types only limited by level requirements for use.
Official overview
- Physicians save lives in the dangerous world of Azeroth by using bandages and antidotes to heal injuries and remove poisons. By turning cloth of varying quality into potent medical supplies, they can quickly get wounded heroes back into a fight, supplementing (but not replacing) magical means of healing.
- First Aid is a secondary profession - anyone can train as a physician, no matter how many other professions they've devoted themselves to.
- Antidotes and bandages can be created almost anywhere, as long as you have the appropriate ingredients - cloth (for bandages) and venom sacs (for anti-venom).[1]
First Aid is highly recommended to all classes as a way of reducing downtime between battles, by quickly restoring health after combat. Even classes with healing spells can benefit, since using a bandage after combat will conserve mana, saving the time otherwise spent drinking. Bandages can also be applied to the combat pets.
Bandages, usable in or out of combat, also have a large role in groups and raids. Characters who are not tanking or healing can back away from the battle at hand and apply a bandage to themselves, to help save the healer's mana. However, be warned that being hit (including damage over time spells) while applying a bandage will cancel its channeled heal. A remedy to this problem is to stun, fear, or find some other means to lose the aggro of that monster long enough to get some use out of the bandage. In addition, if you're in a raid instance or boss fight where your classes skills are ineffective (Such as anything with an Anti-Magic Field), or you're silenced or something similar, you can use Bandages to back up the healers temporarily (Just stay away from AOE attacks and you'll be fine)
An attempt to apply the bandage during the fight has a risk of losing it without any use if the aid procedure has been interrupted by the enemy strike.
Skill level guide
To begin your first aid career, seek out the First Aid trainer in the starting zone for your race. There are no prerequisites for learning First Aid other than the 10 copper you'll be charged. Once you've acquired the First Aid skill, you can begin making Linen Bandages immediately and your potential skill level will be 75. Thereafter, consult the following table as you progress in First Aid skill.
A level 1 character (with enough gold) can raise their first aid skill to 225, high enough to use [Heavy Runecloth Bandages] providing another character creates them.
Death knights begin with 270 First Aid skill and knowledge of all trainer-taught recipes up to [Heavy Runecloth Bandages].
Training locations
Trainers are located in each city and in several other population centers. Consult the list of trainers or ask a guard for directions. Any trainer may teach you all ranks of First Aid.
The only recipe not taught by a trainer is [Manual: Strong Anti-Venom].
[Manual: Heavy Frostweave Bandage] is a world drop from any level-75 or higher humanoid creature in Northrend, providing that the player has a skill level of 390 in First Aid. However it is not mandatory, as the trainer will teach this recipe.
Optional quest
Upon completing this quest, you will instead receive 20 [Heavy Runecloth Bandage] and an
[Alliance Trauma Certification]/
[Horde Trauma Certification]. Quest givers are:
[15-30] Triage quest in Theramore, Dustwallow Marsh.
[10-30] Triage quest in Hammerfall, Arathi Highlands.
- Inquisitor Notley references First Aid in his quotes.
Patch changes
Patch 8.0.1 (2018-07-17): Removed. First Aid recipes are now part of tailoring and alchemy.
Patch 4.0.1 (2010-10-12): First Aid trainers now train all ranks.
Patch 3.1.0 (2009-04-14):
Patch 0.9 (2004-08-17): Skill increase rate has been slowed down.
- ^ First Aid - Game - World of Warcraft. Archived from the original on 2011-05-17. Retrieved on 2018-05-19.
External links