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Mechacycle (Operation: Mechagon)

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Main article: Trixie & Naeno
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Race Mechacycle (Mechanical)
Level 50 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Crashcog Circuit, Mechagon Island; Operation: Mechagon

Mechacycles are mechacycles found in Crashcog Circuit on Mechagon Island and in Operation: Mechagon as part of the Trixie & Naeno encounter.


  • Ability vehicle powertowheels.png Burnout — Naeno does a burnout, creating a Smoke Cloud. Inflicts 179256 Physical damage and knocks back players caught in his path.
  • Inv eng superchargedengine.png Pedal to the Metal — Naeno speeds at a target, inflicts 179256 Physical damage and knocks back all players caught in his path.

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