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Image of Meatgut
Title <Butcher>
Gender Male
Race Ogre (Humanoid)
Level 35-40
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Gorian Empire
Location Ring of Trials, Nagrand
Status Alive

Meatgut is an ogre quest giver and vendor located at the Ring of Trials in Nagrand. He sells some food and water, but once his quest becomes unlocked his wares normally become unavailable. His repeatable quest awards either experience points (if the player is below level 100) or money (if the player is max level). His quest may be done unlimited times a day.


Inv drink 07.png [Gorgrond Mineral Water]
Inv misc food 85 stegadonbite.png [Grilled Gorgrond Surprise]
2g 50s
Inv misc foot centaur.png [Pickled Elekk Hooves]
2g 50s
Inv holiday beerfestsausage03.png [Rylak Sausages]
2g 50s



  • For the freshest meat come to Meatgut! If you don't, I'll pound your face in!

Patch changes

External links