Me Lucky Lure

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NeutralMe Lucky Lure
Start Captain Haab
End Captain Haab
Level 65-68
Category The Azure Span
Experience 9,800
Rewards 26g 91s 48c
Next N [65-68] Round Two, Fish!


Recover Captain Haab's Lucky Lure.

  • Captain Haab's Lucky Lure


Ya find me in a low place, <race>, and it's not because I'm dead.

I died on the hunt, making sure the beast that killed me crew wouldn't live to kill again. There's nothing wrong with that, it's what me Pa would have wanted.

No, the problem is that the fight was a draw!

The beast's spirit is still out there, as sure as I stand here before ya. But, being a ghost, I can't even reclaim me lucky lure from the critters that picked me body clean to have another go!

Would ya mind helping me out?


You will receive:

  • 26g 91s 48c
  • 9,800 XP


No, I don't know which one ate it. I was busy being dead at the time.


No fish can resist me lucky lure, living or dead!


Kill Crusty Seawings or Scavenging Snipshells (which are level 70) to obtain the lure.


  1. N [65-68] Me Lucky Lure
  2. N [65-68] Round Two, Fish!

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