Mazu's Breath

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NeutralMazu's Breath
Start Deck Boss Arie [54.7, 72.2]
End Deck Boss Arie [54.7, 72.2]
Level 30-35
Category Dread Wastes
Experience 59000
Reputation +10 The Anglers
Rewards 2g 85s
Previous N [30-35] Gambling Problem (optional)
Next N [30-35] Fresh Pots, N [30-35] You Otter Know


Drink the Potion of Mazu's Breath.


Here to help, are ya? Well, first thing's first.

<Arie rummages through her pockets for a moment before producing a small vial of glowing blue fluid.>

Here it is! "Mazu's Breath." Cap'n's own formula.

What? You thought I'd send you out to sea without a means of breathin'? I need deckhands, not corpses!

Down the hatch with it, green. This'll give you a fighting chance out there on the shelf.


You will receive:


No, I don't have a "chaser!" Just drink it!


You'll thank me later.


On accept:

Deck Boss Arie says: Drink up, <name>. I wanna see that vial empty before you so much as dip a toe into the sea.

Drink it:

Deck Boss Arie says: There you go. Tastes like seaweed and hot garbage, doesn't it?

Mazu's Breath grants water breathing and increases sea floor movement speed by 80% while in Shelf of Mazu and Lonesome Cove.


Optional breadcrumb: N [30-35] Gambling Problem

  1. N [30-35] Mazu's Breath
  2. N [30-35] Fresh Pots & N [30-35] You Otter Know
  3. N [30-35] Meet the Cap'n
  4. N [30-35] Walking Dog & N [30-35] Old Age and Treachery & N [30-35] On the Crab & N [30-35] Shark Week & N [30-35] Dog Food
  5. N [30-35] Reeltime Strategy
  6. N [30-35] The Mariner's Revenge
  7. N [30-35] Mazu's Bounty

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