May I Take Your Order?

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NecrolordMay I Take Your Order?
Start Rathan
End Rathan
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Abominable Stitching
Experience 4,750
Rewards 12g 87s
Previous N [60] Build-A-Bomination
Next N [60] Build One More


Take the construct requests from the souls present.

  • Atticus's specification taken
  • Rose's specifications taken
  • Marz's specification taken
  • Flytrap specification taken


Chordy is just the first success, there will be many more!

As free souls show up here, speak with them and take their requests for new construct bodies. We'll soon have lots of new constructs to work on!


You will receive:

  • 12g 87s
  • 4,750 XP


Have you got all the specifications?


So many powerful souls, we must get to work immediately.


Atticus's specification
Nimble fingers, quick reflexes, and sharp eyesight, is what I like. I'll help you gather supplies, and sell items you don't need.
Roseboil's specification
If I had a regenerative spore emitting skin, I could keep all of us alive in the heat of battle.
Marz's specification
Muscles and armor! I'll wade into the thick of battle and laugh as the blows bounce off me!
Flytrap's specification
Having teammates is important, I want to be sturdy enough to carry others into combat with me.


  1. N [60] A Place To Call Home
  2. N [60] Stitching Time
  3. N [60] Build-A-Bomination
  4. N [60] May I Take Your Order?
  5. N [60] Build One More

Patch changes

External links