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Maw of Drest'agath

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Main article: Drest'agath
MobMaw of Drest'agath
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Race Tentacle (Aberration)
Level 50 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Black Empire
Location Ny'alotha, the Waking City
Status Killable

Maws of Drest'agath are tentacles located in Ny'alotha, the Waking City.


  • Ability creature poison 02.png Acid Splash — Maw of Drest'agath spits a glob of acid at an enemy, inflicting 4231 Nature damage to all enemies in a 4 yard radius.
  • Ability warrior endlessrage.png Betrayed — Drest'agath's whispers make you hostile to everyone.
  • Achievement bg killingblow berserker.png Mutterings of Betrayal — Maw of Drest'agath periodically whispers warnings of betrayal to nearby enemies, applying a 2879 heal absorb to all players within 10 yards. This ability stacks and if the number of stacks ever get to 4, Betrayed is triggered on the player.
  • Spell shadow coneofsilence.png Mutterings of Insanity — Drest'agath whispers lunacy into the minds of an enemy, slowing the target until immobile over 5 sec. On expiration Unleashed Insanity is triggered. This ability targets 1 additional target for every Maw of Drest'agath active.
  • Achievment boss spineofdeathwing.png Spine Eruption — Maw of Drest'agath writhes in agony, releasing random sized rings of spines that inflict 7604 Physical damage every 3 sec for 9 sec. This ability is only cast while Drest'agath is channeling Throes of Agony.
  • Ability butcher gushingwounds.png Throes of Dismemberment — Appendages of Drest'agath, upon death trigger all other appendages of the same type to cast either Errant Blast, Reality Tear, or Spine Eruption.

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