Marsh Shambler

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MobMarsh Shambler
Image of Marsh Shambler
Race Mistlurker (Elemental)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Invasion Point: Naigtal
A fel enraged shambler.

Marsh Shamblers are mistlurker-like creatures located in Invasion Point: Naigtal. They become maddened by fel as the scenario progresses.

Though it isn't seen in-game, some shamblers are fed and trained by members of an unknown race on Naigtal. Sergeant Krashj had a herd of shamblers which he would lead to the pits for combat, as part of a celebration called the Soltian festival.


  • Ability demonhunter eyebeam.png Baleful Beam — The caster focuses their gaze into a beam of concentrated Shadow energies. Players caught in the beam suffer Shadow damage.
  • Achievement boss loatheb.png Dark Spores — The caster casts spores at random locations nearby, inflicting Decay damage to all players within 5 yards of the impact.
  • Inv misc food 87 sporelingsnack.png Spore Filled — The creature is filled with spores due to exposure. On death, the spores will form a pool of spores on the ground that will inflict Decay damage to any player entering the area.

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