Marsh Gulper

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MobMarsh Gulper
Image of Marsh Gulper
Race Toad (Beast)
Level 40
Reaction Alliance Horde (Zorammarsh)
Alliance Horde (Fang'rila)
Location Tanaan Jungle
Status Killable
Pet family Hopper

Marsh Gulpers are toads located in Zorammarsh and at the Fang'rila lake in Tanaan Jungle.


  • Ability heroicleap.png Toxic Trounce — Inflicts Nature damage to all enemies within 2 yards of the impact and leaving a pool of toxin that causes Nature damage.
  • Ability heroicleap.png Toxic Trounce — Hops into the air bringing its full weight down inflicting Physical damage and knocking back all enemies within 2 yards of the impact.


When tamed by a hunter, they become unusually small.

Patch changes

External links