Mark of the World Tree

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  • Mark of the World Tree
  • Granted by the Guardians of Hyjal. Can be used to purchase reinforcements for the Invasion of the Firelands.

Marks of the World Tree are a currency used to unlock daily quest areas in the Regrowth of Mount Hyjal and the Molten Front in the Firelands.


One-time quests

Daily quests

Players can earn a maximum of four marks total each day in phase one, fourteen in phase two, and twenty five in phase three.

Phase one

There are two daily slots in phase one:

Phase two

There are three daily slots in phase two:

Phase three

Phase 3 starts when you spend 150 Mark of the World Tree to recruit either N [35] The Shadow Wardens or N [35] Druids of the Talon. After you complete the Phase 2 dailies for the day General Taldris Moonfall will give you a daily quest to proceed to start the phase 3 dailies for the day.

If you chose the Druids of the Talon, you will head northwest to do the following dailies:

If you chose the Shadow Wardens, you will head northeast to do the following dailies:

If you kill a Druid of the Flame on the ground while doing Shadow Warden dailies, you can get N [35] The Mysterious Seed from a tiny seed on the ground. This starts a chain which unlocks the Crimson Lasher dailies. Crimson Lasher dailies are available even if the player decides to do Talon dailies in phase 3 for the day.

Phase four

After recruiting both the Shadow Wardens and the Druids of the Talon you have the option of doing either faction's dailies each day, but not both in a single day.

Also you are presented with three vendors who want 125 Mark of the World Tree each to unlock their wares. Completing each quest can also unlock additional dailies.

  • completing N [35] Additional Armaments to activate Damek Bloomberg grants you access to one of Ricket's quests. If Ricket is not offering a quest at the Sentinel Tree she will offer one at the Fireplume Peak or Forlorn Spire depending on which faction the player chooses for the day:
  • completing N [35] Calling the Ancients to activate Varlan Highbough grants you access to one of these (depending on whether you choose to do the Talon or Shadow Warden quests that day)


Quest unlocks

Armor and reputation

Zen'Vorka can be found inside the Sentinel Tree of Malfurion's Breach during all phases of the Firelands Invasion on the Molten Front.

<Favors of the World Tree>
Item Cost Type
 [Matoclaw's Band] 101g 45s 8c Ring (agility)
 [Nightweaver's Amulet] 101g 45s 8c Amulet (intellect)
 [Fireheart Necklace] 101g 45s 8c Amulet (strength)
 [Pyrelord Greaves] 180g 19s 96c Plate feet (tank)
 [Zen'Vorka's Cache] 30 Mark of the World Tree Misc
 [Darnassus Writ of Commendation] 30 Mark of the World Tree Misc
 [Exodar Writ of Commendation] 30 Mark of the World Tree Misc
 [Gilneas Writ of Commendation] 30 Mark of the World Tree Misc
 [Gnomeregan Writ of Commendation] 30 Mark of the World Tree Misc
 [Ironforge Writ of Commendation] 30 Mark of the World Tree Misc
 [Stormwind Writ of Commendation] 30 Mark of the World Tree Misc
 [Orgrimmar Writ of Commendation] 30 Mark of the World Tree Misc
 [Sen'jin Writ of Commendation] 30 Mark of the World Tree Misc
 [Silvermoon Writ of Commendation] 30 Mark of the World Tree Misc
 [Thunder Bluff Writ of Commendation] 30 Mark of the World Tree Misc
 [Undercity Writ of Commendation] 30 Mark of the World Tree Misc
 [Bilgewater Writ of Commendation] 30 Mark of the World Tree Misc

Damek Bloombeard can be found inside the Sentinel Tree of Malfurion's Breach after players have completed both N [35] Druids of the Talon and N [35] The Shadow Wardens.

Damek Bloombeard
<Exceptional Equipment>
Item Cost Type
 [Meteorite Ring] 101g 45s 9c Ring (strength)
 [Ricket's Magnetic Fireball] 152g 85s 24c Trinket (agility)
 [Fiery Treads] 163g 67s 46c Mail Feet (intellect)
 [Gauntlets of Living Obsidium] 127g 91s 80c Plate Hands (spirit)
 [Widow's Clutches] 73g 19s 2c Cloth Hands (spell DPS)
 [Fireplume Girdle] 90g 20s 50c Leather Waist (spell DPS)
 [Belt of Living Obsidium] 128g 37s 24c Plate Waist (intellect)
 [Rickety Belt] 117g 42s 60c Plate Waist (strength)
 [Ricket's Gun Show] 117g 86s 82c Plate Wrist (parry)
 [Plans: Brainsplinter] 300g Blacksmithing (525)
 [Plans: Elementium-Edged Scalper] 300g Blacksmithing (525)
 [Plans: Lightforged Elementium Hammer] 300g Blacksmithing (525)
 [Plans: Masterwork Elementium Deathblade] 300g Blacksmithing (525)
 [Plans: Masterwork Elementium Spellblade] 300g Blacksmithing (525)
 [Plans: Pyrium Spellward] 300g Blacksmithing (525)
 [Plans: Unbreakable Guardian] 300g Blacksmithing (525)
 [Plans: Witch-Hunter's Harvester] 300g Blacksmithing (525)
 [Schematic: Extreme-Impact Hole Puncher] 300g Engineering (525)
 [Schematic: Flintlocke's Woodchucker] 300g Engineering (515)

Varlan Highbough can be found just outside the Sentinel Tree of Malfurion's Breach after players have completed both N [35] Druids of the Talon and N [35] The Shadow Wardens.

Varlan Highbough
<Provisions of the Grove>
Item Cost Type
 [Spirit Fragment Band] 101g 45s 9c Ring (caster DPS)
 [Nemesis Shell Band] 101g 45s 9c Ring (dodge)
 [Lylagar Horn Ring] 101g 45s 9c Ring (parry)
 [Relic of Lo'Gosh] 101g 99s 50c Relic (strength)
 [Relic of Tortolla] 105g 93s 20c Relic (parry)
 [Lancer's Greaves] 125g 52s 10c Mail Feet (agility)
 [Aviana's Grips] 84g 3s 60c Leather Hands (agility)
 [Dwyer's Caber] 152g 85s 25c Trinket (strength)
 [Hyjal Bear Cub] 1500g Companion
 [Mylune's Call] 3500g Vanity

Ayla Shadowstorm can be found just outside the Sentinel Tree of Malfurion's Breach after players have completed both N [35] Druids of the Talon and N [35] The Shadow Wardens.

Ayla Shadowstorm
<Treasures of Elune>
Item Cost Type
 [Band of Glittering Lights] 101g 45s 9c Ring (agility)
 [Moon Blessed Band] 101g 45s 9c Ring (strength)
 [Moonwell Chalice] 152g 85s 25c Trinket (intellect)
 [Moonwell Phial] 152g 85s 25c Trinket (stamina)
 [Globe of Moonlight] 85g 71s 76c Held In Off-hand (intellect)
 [Crimson Lasher] 1500g Companion
 [Mushroom Chair] 500g Vanity
 [Pattern: Luxurious Silk Gem Bag] 300g Tailoring (515)
 [Pattern: Royal Scribe's Satchel] 300g Leatherworking (510)
 [Pattern: Triple-Reinforced Mining Bag] 300g Leatherworking (500)

Patch changes

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