Marking the Fallen (Horde)

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HordeMarking the Fallen
Start Dispatch Commander Ruag [49.4, 55.4]
End Dispatch Commander Ruag [49.4, 55.4]
Level 15-30
Category Swamp of Sorrows
Experience 7,890
Reputation +250 Orgrimmar
Rewards 80s
Previous B [15-30] Orcs and Humans, B [15-30] Lumbering Oafs
Next H [15-30] We're Under Attack!
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [15-30] Marking the Fallen.


Use the Banner of the Fallen to mark 7 Fallen Stonard Warriors.


Many warriors have met death to bring us victory, <name>. The fate of a true orc.

I have seen the way the Alliance loots the bodies of our fallen, clutching at our goods like packrats. They will not defile our fallen heroes on this field.

Take these wards with you to the Bloodmire. Place them on the bodies of our fallen warriors. I will be watching, to see how many have fallen, and to honor their sacrifice. Let us hope the spirits give us aid for our respect.


You will receive: 80s


The spirits will watch over us, <name>.


You honor both the dead and the living with your courage, <name>.


Pick up Tides of Darkness and B [15-30] Reinforcements Denied before heading out. The battle has advanced phases. The corpses of footmen and warriors litter the ground, and the summoners and heavily-armored units of both sides are in play.


  1. B [15-30] Orcs and Humans & B [15-30] Lumbering Oafs
  2. B [15-30] Tides of Darkness & B [15-30] Reinforcements Denied & B [15-30] Marking the Fallen
  3. A [15-30] Assault on Stonard / H [15-30] We're Under Attack!
  4. H [15-30] Neeka Bloodscar (optional breadcrumb to Neeka)

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