Maps and Runes

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HordeMaps and Runes
Start Dalaran Crate
End Shadow Priest Allister
Level 14 (Requires 10)
Category Silverpine Forest
Experience 750 EXP (or 4s 50c at level 70)
Reputation WoW Icon update.png+75 Undercity
Bc icon.gif+150 Undercity
Rewards 5s
Previous H [14] Border Crossings
Next H [14] Dalar's Analysis


Bring the strange pendant to Shadow Priest Allister at the Sepulcher.


<You quickly remove the pendant from the crate and replace the lid.>


You will receive:


Have you learned anything useful, <name>?


Maps and this... pendant, hm? Interesting.

It is obvious that the Dalaran wizards are interested in Ambermill for some purpose, but still, their aim is hidden to me.

Perhaps Dalar will know something of their use.


  1. H [14] Border Crossings
  2. H [14] Maps and Runes
  3. H [14] Dalar's Analysis
  4. H [14] Dalaran's Intentions
  5. H [16] Ambermill Investigations
  6. H [22] The Weaver

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