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Manipulator Yggshoth

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MobManipulator Yggshoth
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Race N'raqi (Aberration)
Level 121 Rare
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Black Empire
Location Vale of Eternal Twilight
Status Killable

Manipulator Yggshoth is a n'raqi located in the Vale of Eternal Twilight.


  • Spell priest void blast.png Oblivion Wave — Inflicts 80 Shadow damage to all players and draining up to 100 Sanity. Players farther from the caster take less damage and Sanity loss.
  • Ability warlock soulswap.png Sap Power — Inflicts 20 Shadow damage from the target and reducing their haste and movement speed by 25% for 8 sec.


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