Mama Min

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NeutralMama Min
Image of Mama Min
Gender Female
Race Pandaren (Humanoid)
Level 15-35
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Halfhill, Valley of the Four Winds[56.2, 45.4]
Status Alive
Relative(s) Dion (son (adopted?))

Mama Min is a pandaren living on the outskirts of Halfhill in the Valley of the Four Winds. Her family herds yaks. She is fond of talking, especially about her son, Dion.

Objective of


  • Do you come to see Mama? Oh, sit for a while!
Let me tell you, I hear some gossip the other day.
I heard that Gina Mudclaw and her father, Haohan Mudclaw, don't get along!
He wanted to marry her to Farmer Fung up by the Belt, but she wouldn't have it! Wanted to run her market, she said.
Ai-ya! What has become of the young girls these days? Don't want to marry a handsome young man and raise a family?
Especially that Fung... he's such a catch! So good-looking, and grows such big vegetables too.
Why I not have handsome young son like that?!
  • My son does not eat enough. Look at him! So scrawny and skinny! I must feed him more.
  • Why my son must be so short? I wanted tall, strong young son.
I told him not to open umbrellas indoors when he was little. You will grow up short, I say!
What does he do? He play with umbrellas all the time! Inside! Tcha!
  • Oh, when is my son going to meet a nice young lady? All he does is hang around yaks all day!
What girl is going to want a stinky yakherd, huh? Ai-ya, Mama worry so much...
  • Mama loves oranges, but oranges are so hard to find in the Valley.
I tell my son to buy some oranges at the market, so I give him some copper.
What does he do? He buys some beans!
We are not farmers! We are yak-herders! What do I do with stupid beans, I ask you?
  • I told my son, I told Dion, don't take the yaks to the field when it's raining. And what does he do? He takes out the yaks when it is raining.
It is no surprise that we now have sick yaks!
Ai-ya! How did I raise such a foolish son?
  • My son Dion is out in fields all day. He works so hard. Makes Mama so proud.
  • My son Dion say Mama make the best dumplings in all of Valley!
Ooohoohoohooo. That's my boy.

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