Maldraxxi Defector (Maw)

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For the Revendreth mobs, see Maldraxxi Defector.
MobMaldraxxi Defector
Image of Maldraxxi Defector
Gender Both
Race Maldraxxi gladiator (Humanoid)
Level 60 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) House of the Chosen
Location Desmotaeron, Maw
Status Killable

Maldraxxi Defectors are elite gladiators in service to Baron Vyraz located in Desmotaeron in the Maw. A few of them patrol around the area, but most are stationed in pairs and can be overheard having conversations about Vyraz.


  • Ability warrior charge.png Charge — Reduces the movement speed of the target by 70% for 1 sec. Charges to an enemy.
  • Inv knife 1h cataclysm b 01.png Hew — Inflicts Physical damage to an enemy.
  • Spell necro undyingrelentlessness.png Unholy Bulwark — Summons an Unholy shield, deflecting all ranged attacks and spells and blocking all melee attacks from the front.

Notable loot

Objective of


On approach
  • Maldraxxi Defector (1) says: Have you heard the latest orders from Vyraz? Helgarde Keep is off limits. Wonder what's happening there.
Maldraxxi Defector (2) says: Just do as you're told, soldier. You know what happens to those who question Vyraz.
  • Maldraxxi Defector (1) says: I sided with Vyraz because he promised chaos and power.
Maldraxxi Defector (2) says: Well? He's delivered both, hasn't he?
Maldraxxi Defector (1) says: Yeah, but he didn't say anything about going to the Maw to get them!
  • Maldraxxi Defector (1) says: I supported Vyraz as margrave of the Chosen. But we should be fighting to control Maldraxxus, not the Maw.
Maldraxxi Defector (2) says: Silence! It's sedition to question orders!
  • Maldraxxi Defector (1) says: I thought Captain Tk'ahn was overseeing today's patrols.
Maldraxxi Defector (2) says: The captain has been... reassigned.
Maldraxxi Defector (1) says: Reassigned? Why? To where?
Maldraxxi Defector (2) says: To the Body Banks. For asking too many questions.
  • Maldraxxi Defector (1) says: Vyraz seems to spend a lot of time with the sea witch.
Maldraxxi Defector (2) says: Better him than me, I say!
  • Maldraxxi Defector (1) says: Wish I could have seen Vyraz strike down Krexus. Must have been a great battle!
Maldraxxi Defector (2) says: I heard Krexus begged for his life. Pathetic coward!

Patch changes

External links