Making Scents

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NeutralMaking Scents
Start Myrrit
End Myrrit
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Type Bonus Objective
Category Zaralek Cavern
Rewards  [Hidden Niffen Treasure]

Making Scents is a Sniffenseek dig adventure started with Myrrit in Loamm in Zaralek Cavern.


  • Titan Smell Cache


You will receive:

Criteria of


Location: Mysterious Cave, Zaralek Cavern.

Myrrit says: Wow, look at this place! It's like a palace!
Myrrit says: There are so many smells around that orb! It's almost as if it's making them itself...

At the center of the room a Calibrating Scent Matrix can be found, during combat the orb makes a shield which can be dispelled by picking the right elemental pillar that appear around the orb:

Myrrit says: That orb is making a shield made of unique scents--let me sniff them!

When the element is water:

Myrrit says: Ew. It smells really fishy in here now.

When the element is earth:

Myrrit says: Why did that orb start smelling like worms?

When the element is fire:

Myrrit says: Is that burned charcoal I smell?

When the element is air:

Myrrit says: Oh wow, it smells just like lightning!

If the wrong element is picked:

Myrrit says: I don't think that element matches the smell!

Upon defeating the orb, it transforms into Titan Smell Cache which can be looted:

Myrrit says: I was afraid that we'd die in here when that scary thing appeared, but you smushed that guardian. Good work!
Myrrit says: We're a great team--strong and sniff-tastic!
Myrrit says: That was amazing. Let's head back with our treasure!

Patch changes

External links