Maiden of Winter's Breath Lake

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Not to be confused with Maiden of Drak'Mar or Maiden of Ashwood Lake.
NeutralMaiden of Winter's Breath Lake
Image of Maiden of Winter's Breath Lake
Gender Female
Race Frost nymph (Humanoid)
Level 10-30
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Howling Fjord [42.2, 19.7]

The Maiden of Winter's Breath Lake can be found in the middle of Winter Breath's Lake, the small lake in the north-western part of Howling Fjord. [42.2, 19.7] Upon completion of the Maiden's portion of the quests, she will present you with  [Winter's Edge].

Objective of

Maiden of Winter's Breath is involved in the following quests:


When using the  [Everburning Ember] to proceed in the quests, you must first click on the item in your pack, and then target the NPC. Standing by her while she is encased in ice and simply clicking on the Ember will not trigger the action.

Patch changes

External links