Magmoth Crusher

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MobMagmoth Crusher
Image of Magmoth Crusher
Race Magnataur (Humanoid)
Level 10-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Magmoth herd
Location Magmoth, Borean Tundra
Status Killable

Magmoth Crushers are magnataur that patrol the access ways to Magmothregar in the Borean Tundra.


  • Ability warstomp.png Magnataur Charge — Increases the caster's movement speed by 60% for 10 sec. and causes it to inflict an additional 50 damage on its first three attacks.
  • Ability bullrush.png Tusk Strike — Inflicts normal damage plus 150 to an enemy, knocking it back.

Objective of

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