Magma Giant

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Not to be confused with Magma Giant (Mount Hyjal) or Magma Giant (Molten Cay).
MobMagma Giant
Image of Magma Giant
Race Magma giant (Elemental)
Level 47 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Alliance Horde
Location Invasion Point: Cen'gar
Status Killable
A Molten Giant

The dormant Magma Giants are magma giants located at Invasion Point: Cen'gar. As the invasion progresses, they will turn into Molten Giants and become killable.


  • Spell fire moltenblood.png Burning Steps — The creature is imbued with great heat that causes them to melt the slag beneath them, turning it back into molten lava for a short duration. Standing in the lava will cause players to suffer Fire damage.
  • Inv enchant essenceastralsmall.png Fire Enchanted — This creature is enchanted with Fiery energies that will release violently on death.
  • Spell burningbladeshaman molten torrent.png Lava Burst — The caster causes a nearby pool of Molten Lava to burst, inflicting 56 Fire damage to all players.
  • Spell burningbladeshaman molten torrent.png Molten Boulder — The caster calls down a Molten Boulder to the target location, knocking back all enemies with 0 yards and creating a pool of Molten Lava.
  • Ability rhyolith immolation.png Pyrochlastic Burst — The Magma Giant breaks free of the Fire Tamer's bonds and becomes molten.

Patch changes

External links

Magma Giant Molten Giant model