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Machinima references in World of Warcraft

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This article talks about the different machinimas that have been referenced by Blizzard in-game. This applies to all fanmade things that have had a significant enough impact that blizzard just had to acknowledge it. For example: Boss Mida, based of forum made character Mida Silvertonge, Her Tallness (formally Tallest) The name of the article implies only machinima, but it applies to anything fanmade that has been recognized by blizzard and added, in any way, to the game, no matter how subtle. Even if it is a possibility, it may be put on here. So far, these are only the most notable ones. More will/may be added in the future.


  • Grand Executor Mortuus is a reference to the famous Oxhorn Brand videos character Mortuus, a level 55 undead rogue who is known for only speaking l33t. The character first appeared in-game as Foreman Mortuus in Northrend, and later was promoted by Sylvanas Windrunner and moved to Silverpine Forest. He is shown to refer players with the term "nub" attached to their name whenever seen or spoken, a homage to that he had a very tongue-in-cheek attitude on the public forums and referring to other players. In his appearance in Cataclysm in Silverpine Forest, he is wearing full warlock PvP gear. The fact that he is shown as a warlock is possibly a reference to Oxhorn's other famous recurring undead character: Associate Professor Evil. Oxhorn is also referenced in the Guild Achievement Stay Classy - a catchphrase of his.
  • In the Searing Gorge, there is a pacifist Ogre named Lunk who just wants to party and make friends. He is likely a reference to Oxhorn's character Thunk, a good-hearted ogre who just seeks acceptance and turkey. Lots and lots of turkey for everyone.

Leeroy Jenkins

  •  [Leeeeeeeeeeeeeroy!], a reference to the famous player character Leeroy Jenkins, who is known for killing his very organized raid group by running into the rookery in Blackrock Spire yelling the legendary phrase: "Alright chums, let's do this! LLLLEEEEEERRRRRROOOOOOYYYYY! JJJEENNKKINNNSSSS!". The video ends with him stating "'least I have chicken". He was also given his own card in the trading card game.

Trade Princess Movement

  • As a nod to the movement, Mida Silvertongue, her bodyguard, and personal assistant, have been added in-game. Mida is now called Boss Mida, and now referred to as <Her Tallness>. Refer to the link above for more information on the Movement.

On the website

  • A couple of Sharm's songs have actually been posted on the website, one of the biggest acknowledgments to fan-made stuff by Blizzard yet. The first one they posted was Break the Trees, the second was Content That we Used to Run.
  • recently one of wowcrendor's videos has appeared on the website, the [Your Lucky Do] rap.
