Lupus Pupus

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AllianceLupus Pupus
Start Iggy "Tailspin" Cogtoggle
End Iggy "Tailspin" Cogtoggle
Level 10-30
Category Borean Tundra
Experience 20100
Reputation +250 Valiance Expedition
Rewards 4g 70s
Previous A [10-30] A Little Bit of Spice
Next A [10-30] Emergency Protocol: Section 8.2, Paragraph C


Iggy "Tailspin" Cogtoggle in the Scalding Pools wants you to bring him 8 pieces of Microfilm.


Whatever you do, don't eat this bait yourself. Just set it down in the vicinity of an oil-soaked wolf. If they're desperate enough to eat the microfilm, they'll come running when they smell the bait.

Simply wait for nature to take its course and then all you need to do is search the, uh... byproduct for the film.

I'd offer you my special lupus pupus scupus for the job, but I left it back at the airstrip. I'm afraid you'll have to conduct the... err... search the old-fashioned way.


You will receive:


Have you recovered the microfilm?


<Iggy holds his nose as he accepts the microfilm from you.>

Yuck, well, we've complied with section 8.2, paragraph B of the emergency protocol here and recovered the film. Nothing in the protocol says I'm responsible for cleaning it, though.


  1. A [10-30] Finding Pilot Tailspin - (optional)
  2. A [10-30] A Little Bit of Spice
  3. A [10-30] Lupus Pupus
  4. A [10-30] Emergency Protocol: Section 8.2, Paragraph C
  5. A [10-30] Emergency Protocol: Section 8.2, Paragraph D
  6. A [10-30] Give Fizzcrank the News

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